Friday, July 10, 2009

Adam has left!

Just wanted to post a quick update on Adam's travel. He left in the middle of the night last night and arrived in Ireland this morning for his layover. The airport had free WiFi so he was able to email me a quick update...turns out that their layover was going to end up being about 9 hours. The total process was going to take at least 18 hours (although I am unclear whether it's 18 hours in the air or 18 total). He should arrive in Kuwait sometime in the next couple of days, where he will be staying for two weeks before traveling to Iraq. Adam said that the whole purpose of staying in Kuwait will be to do "climatization," which he said basically involves drinking a lot of water and exercising to get your body used to the severe climate change. Once their bodies adjust, they will travel to a base in Iraq, although at this point they have no clue which base or even which part of the country. They are not told these things for security reasons and also because things are changing very rapidly over there right now, so they really may end up some place entirely different than what was originally intended.

On my end of things...I'm doing ok. I certainly would prefer that Adam be here with me, but I'm keeping myself busy with internship and Prac II and Brady and whatnot. Saturday is my birthday, and I'm going to be heading down to Charleston for the day with my friend Heather. I'm looking forward to seeing Charleston, as I've never been there before and have heard great things about it. It was one of the cities on my "must visit" list when I moved here, and I'm glad that I'm going to get to experience it with a Charleston veteran like Heather :-) Internship is about 2/3 done, and it's actually making me sad. I've really been enjoying working for the Office of Student Engagement, and especially love my supervisors there and the amount of autonomy I have. I really feel like a professional staff member and not just a grad student. I wish I was getting a bit more of a tan, but I'm inside from 9-5 most days, and it seems to always rain on the weekends haha Oh well, I'm sure that my skin will thank me in 20 years!

Anyway, hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. I'm heading to bed...have a great Friday!

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