Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lots of building

Hi all! I figured I'd better get another update in before the end of September because otherwise I couldn't really even call this a "blog" anymore...maybe just an "occasional update site" haha. Anyway, things are going pretty well for both Adam and I on our opposite sides of the world. Last week, he had to drive across the country to get building supplies for their base, and the trip took longer than expected because of the weather. Unfortunately, it's the "dry" season over there, which means that there are frequent and heavy dust storms. He said that everything is always covered in a fine layer of dust, but that it was particularly bad when they were trying to make this trip so it made driving really difficult. While he's out on these missions, I don't get to talk to him, so it's just a matter of waiting it out to hear how things have gone. I asked Adam what comes after the dry season, and he said the rainy season, which I thought would be a good more dust, right? Well, technically. He told me that once the dust storm season passes, they're still in the desert, so wet season plus desert equals mud. He said it's usually just as bad as the dust, because everything gets covered in mud. I'm sure he'll be excited when he gets back to see grass (at least until he realizes that now he has to cut it). His projects this week are focused on doing a lot of building projects for the base that he lives on. Today and yesterday he and his guys built a bunch of floors for buildings. He says it's pretty monotonous work, but now he knows how to build floors :-)

On my end, just more of the same old, same old. Keeping busy with school, work, and trying to have a bit of a social life. The updates are now finished on our kitchen and bathrooms, so I'll try to take some pictures and get them up soon. I can't belive the difference some granite, new faucets, and new stainless appliances have made. We supposedly have added a massive amount of value to our home but have not made it too much for our local market. Guess we'll see when we go to sell in a few years! Anyway, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well, and don't hesitate to get in touch when you have some time!


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